If you’re looking for the recording of the Live Q&A with OpenAI we organized with 3 researchers from OpenAI about AI and the future of humanity, you can watch it here!

We are running the AI Safety Fundamentals Governance program in-person in Tilburg. This program with weekly discussions is widely considered to be the gold standard for offering a solid introduction to the field of AI safety and governance. New cohorts will launch on a rolling basis. If you want to learn more about AI safety, we recommend this as the best place to start. You can sign up here or at the bottom of this page.

Another great way to learn more about AI Safety Fundamentals and its governance is the recent book launched by the Center for AI Safety, aimed to, as a textbook, give a thorough undergraduate level introduction to the field.

The more technical AI Safety Fundamentals Alignment program is run by Effective Altruism Eindhoven. While with sufficient interest, we will run online the more advanced technical follow up: AI Safety Fundamentals 201. Do register your interest. See you soon!

Are you interested in Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Are you worried about the safe implementation of AI with ever-increasing capabilities? Do you want to discover how you could use your career to help mitigate the risks of advanced AI derailing humanity's future, potentially one of the most pressing problems of our generation? We are launching TAISI to focus on precisely these topics! To get a sense for what the AI safety landscape looks like on a global, national or local level, we have compiled an overview here.

If you are interested to know more or just want to stay up to date, please join the Whatsapp group chat:

Additionally, we plan to organize a reading group of the advanced AI Safety Fundamental Aligned 201 curriculum, as well as a reading group of the very first textbook on Safety in Artificial Intelligence. Join our chat above and contact us to learn more!